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A holistic Mastermind supporting you in stepping into your personal power in life & business.


This is the place for creative powerhouse CEO's to step into their fullest potential, and expand their capacity for wealth and joy.

A space for the high achiever who knows they can grind and hustle their way to success, but that's not interesting to them anymore.

For the leader ready to see their business as art, who wants to prioritize how they feel in their business and lead from ease, abundance, and grounded confidence; 

For the entrepreneur who wants to scale their business while slowing down and creating more space to enjoy the wealth their creating...

This is the place for you.


The POWERHOUSE Mastermind is the place for impact-focused entrepreneurs
who know that making a lot of money doesn't mean sh*t
if you don't feel amazing while you're making it.

You are the locus of power in your business. 

Your business is running. You know how to sell. You know your work is good. You know how to achieve. How to work hard. How to grind until you get what you want. That masculine mode? You've got it on lock.
You don't need to learn any more techniques or strategies.
You need to unlock a portal to deep self-trust, ease, receiving, and unshakeable confidence in who you are and what you've created. 
You need to return the power in your business back into your body, where it belongs. 
You are the powerhouse.
And when you know it, you don't have to prove it through doing. You simply are it, in your being. And everything around you aligns accordingly.

Over Our Year Together, You'll...


✓ Take your revenue to new heights. 

When you're working from Fire, hustle, scarcity, and urgency, you can make money. Even a lot of money. BUT, your body knows the way you're working is unsustainable. You'll work in fits and starts. One of my gifts is bringing grounded, practical, earth-magick to your business to help you ease into a place of simplicity, strategy, and gentle pacing. From this place, you'll not only make more money, but more consistent money. 


✓ Root into Unwavering Trust In Your Self

Building from the masculine energetics of grind, hustle, and speed can hide a well of deep fear under the surface. Fear that we're going to run out of time. Fear that we're going to miss our moment. Fear that other people are going to surpass us. Scarcity fears are breeding panic that breeds urgency that breeds action, and that can create results...and also create burnout.  
Running your business from trust feels like ease, flow, and magnetism. Believing that you can never be late, you cannot miss what is for you, you trust your decision making, and you feel certain in your leadership transforms the 
way you make money into one that feels genuinely sustainable.


✓ Experience What It Feels Like To Receive With Ease. 

The real bag we're focused on in Powerhouse is creating more harmony and flow in your business. If part of you only believes that you will be successful if you're "doing" your face off, it can be very uncomfortable to allow yourself to receive more for doing less. You must make receiving from ease feel safe on a nervous system level in order to trust it. You'll build that trust here.




A year from now, you'll be an entirely different business owner...and a very different person.
A version of you that's more abundant, more confident, more joyful, and moves from a place of power and ease awaits.

Let's check...

You're in the right place if...


  • You're DONE chasing. 
    The bag, the next goal, the next client, the next contract. You're a no for chasing energy. You've been there/done that, and at this point you know it's exhausting and the chase never ends. You're ready to lean back, shift into receivership, and become the powerful magnet that attracts everything you need and want to you, for who you are.

  • You're in this for the long haul.
    Your business is your Soul Work, and you're committed. You can feel that a hustle-focused way of working is going to result in you burning your business to the ground, and you're not willing to do that. You want to build something genuinely sustainable, so that you can keep growing your business for a decade or more. 

  • You want change at an embodiment level. 
    All the strategy, tools, and techniques are great — I'm great at that, and you'll get that too. But the real change is about becoming the version of yourself who can hold the wealth you're trying to create; the version of yourself who feels safe to receive without hustle; the version of yourself who feels relaxed into who you're being without fear that you're not doing enough.
    I'm here to help you change on a nervous system level. 

Are you a full body f*ck yes to this?

Apply NOW!

High-level Mentorship in a High-proximity community


This is a Beta program. In the future, the price will go up. For this first round, I am accepting a small number of applicants for this year-long small group experience for a very low price. 


I'm certified in life and business coaching, and NLP. I'm also a Reiki practitioner, dancer, spiritualist, podcaster, mentor, and guide, among other things!

Like most of my clients, I'm a neurosquiggly multi-hyphenate creative.
I went into business for time, location, creative, and financial freedom.

I'm the C.E.O. of Intuitive Edge Coaching LLC, and I grew my business to six figures six years ago.
I've kept growing since then, putting me in the top 6% of U.S. entrepreneurs and the top 2% of coaches.

I've been helping creatives turn their gifts, skills, and talents into profitable businesses since 2016.
I share all the tools and frameworks I use in my business without leaving anything out. 

My mission is to empower creative, sensitive, heart-centered people to create the lives and businesses of their dreams while doing their Soul Work. 

"Cera, you really dive into the "why" and the "Heart" of business. As a result, I've never felt more connected with my Purpose, my Destiny. I feel more at ease as a human, because I'm more aligned with my gifts and my medicine. You've helped me tap into myself."

Kim Myers
Sensual Alchemy

"TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS! 1:1 coaching with Cera has, in no small or simple way, changed my entire life. My way of interacting with people. The way I see myself as a business owner, and a person. I went from an idea of a business to a brick and mortar location in less than a year. In a pandemic. The container she holds is magick."

Kristen Crowe
Soul On Fire Dance Studio

What's Inside...


1. Bi-Weekly MasterMind Calls

Two 90-minute Mastermind calls per month where we'll discuss everything from strategy and systems, to nervous system and energetics. Nothing is off limits. I'll coach you personally in this small group setting and no call will end until everyone has had their moment to be coached.
($13,332 value)

2: Private Telegram Support

We will have a private Telegram group where you can get instant support from me and collaborate and connect with your fellow Mastermind members. Get direct feedback from me on plans, strategies, marketing copy, client or team situations and any other moving pieces in your business. 
($6000 value)

3: Access To My Entire Course Library

Over the past 9 years I've built a tremendous knowledge base of courses, workshops, and support materials, that will all be at your disposal. Need to create your first course and don't know how? I've got a course for that. Need to build an organic online launch? Got you. Need help building systems and SOP's? Got it.  Any place you're stuck, you'll get access to.
($9398 value)

4: 2 Virtual Retreats

In our virtual retreats we'll come together to dive deeper into the biggest topics that we as a group decide need more time and attention. I'll be bringing in superstar guest experts, facilitating somatic experiences and rituals, they will be fun, nourishing, and inspiring. You'll leave with your cup filled and ready to get back to business.
($398 value)

Step Into Your Power.

November 30th 2024 - May 31st, 2025



save $444

  • Bi-weekly MasterMind Meeting
  • Telegram Support in-between calls for all of your questions
  • My Complete Course Library
  • 2 Virtual Retreats



6 Monthly Payments


installment plan

  • Bi-weekly MasterMind Meeting
  • Telegram Support in-between calls for all of your questions
  • My Complete Course Library
  • 2 Virtual Retreats